Student Update #1

Hi, my name is Patrick!  In 4th grade, I am looking forward to multiplying and dividing bigger numbers.

This week we are reading The Power of W.O.W.  W.O.W. stands for Words on Wheels.  This story is about a mobile library that doesn't have enough money to keep running.  Four kids help raise money by having a car wash!  Luckily, the kids made enough money to keep the bus running, so the bus could have new books and afford gas.

In math, we are starting chapter 2 in our workbook.

In science, we are studying the human eye! Did you know that pupil is actually clear?

In social studies, we are just starting Junior Achievement.  Yesterday we learned about entrepreneurs!

About the Author: Patrick!

Favorite food: Tacos
Favorite color: Gray
Favorite subject: Reading
Favorite sport: Soccer
Favorite part of 4th grade (so far): The teacher


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